For children, iCode School tutors are the bridge between home and school. We know how to work with parents, teachers, and students to help each child reach their potential in Maths and English.
Our tutors also understand that when a child is struggling at home or at school, it’s not always because they don't want to learn—it's because their teacher hasn't given them the right tools for success.
If your child is struggling with maths, it's important to find a tutor who can provide individualised support and instruction. A personalised approach to tutoring allows you to discover what works best for your child and tailors math lessons specifically to their needs.
The benefits of maths tutoring for kids is apparent in academic performance.
Children who have been taught the fundamentals of maths from an early age have a much higher chance of being successful in the subject as they progress through school and into college or university studies later on.
iCode School is a great place for kids to improve their reading and writing skills. Our curriculum is designed around your child’s learning goals and the amount of time they can devote to their studies.
We pride ourselves on providing personalised education by developing individualised study plans for every student based on their goals, strengths, and weaknesses. This ensures that students are able to achieve the best possible results from their study with us.
Every child learns differently. We know that every child can learn Maths and English, with the right support.
Our tutors are uniquely trained to understand how children think about learning, so they can approach each student in a way that's tailored to their needs and interests.
If your child is struggling with Maths or English, visit our tuition centre near Grovedale today. We'll assess your child's strengths and weaknesses in both subjects so we can develop a tailored program to help them succeed.
You can book a free assessment, learning consultation, and 2 weeks of free maths and English tutoring today! ($248 value)
This offer is strictly limited to 5 people per week. Call us today on 5260 1816 to get started.
Grovedale is a mainly residential suburb of the City of Greater Geelong, Victoria, Australia. At the 2016 census it had a population of 14,308.
Education in Grovedale can be traced back to the 1850s. Grovedale Primary School was established in 1855 and is still operational today, with a current enrolment of approximately 250 students across 11 classes.
Geelong Grammar School was founded in 1868 and also serves as an important education provider for Grovedale, serving approximately 1,300 students.
Grovedale College is a public high school located in Grovedale, Victoria. Founded in 1979, it was originally known as the Grovedale Technical High School.
The curriculum from Years 7-10 is based on the AUS VELS Standards with Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE ) or Vocational Education and Training (VET) undertaken at Years 11 and 12.
The medium size community college provides students with a wide range of opportunities to excel in their chosen field and develop skills that will help them prepare for lifelong learning.
Grovedale Primary School is situated in the Grovedale East-Marshall area. It has an enrolment of approximately 250 students across 11 classes.
The school currently operates two Foundation (prep) classes, three Year 1/2 classes, three Year 3/4 classes, and three Year 5/6 classes. Students participate in Specialist Learning Areas of Digital Technologies, Health & Physical Education, The Arts and Languages (Italian) for one hour per week.
Grovedale West Primary School is the neighbourhood school for families residing in Waurn Ponds and Grovedale.
The school is approximately 10 minutes from the Geelong city centre and 15- 20 minutes away by car from the coastal towns of Torquay and Barwon Heads. It is conveniently situated between Torquay Highway and Anglesea Highway.
If you are located near Grovedale VIC, then iCode School can provide you with the best maths and English tutoring for your child.
We offer affordable in-person or online tutoring services for prep and primary students. Our maths and English tutoring program follow the most up-to-date school curriculum, so you know everything learned will be relevant to your child.
You can book a free assessment, learning consultation, and 2 weeks of free maths and English tutoring today! ($248 value)
This offer is strictly limited to 5 people per week. Call us today on 5260 1816 to get started.
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