How To Better Prepare Your Child For Primary School Maths

May 25, 2022
Blog posted May 25, 2022 by Megan Ward
Post last modified February 7, 2024

As a parent, it’s important to do everything you can to help your child succeed when they start primary school.

But there’s a problem… maths.

Maths is notoriously difficult for many young children, especially when it comes to understanding numbers.

This is why it’s important to start preparing them early.

We’ll show you some tips on how to improve their mathematical understanding at home.

This blog post will take you through a few tried and tested ways to get your child ready for maths in primary school.

Start with the Basics

tutor and toddler learning maths playing with numbers puzzle in geelong

There’s no point getting your child to understand the concept of fractions if they don’t understand basic numbers. This means teaching them the basic principles and equations first, and then gradually building on that.

You can do this by having your child complete exercises and activities, or by having them watch videos introducing numbers and basic maths concepts.

Basic maths concepts include the identification of numbers starting from 1 to 10, then gradually up to 100. Children also need to become fluent with their maths facts up to 10, then 20. For example 4+3=7, 7-3=4, etc

For a detailed explanation of what is expected at each grade level, you can find this by looking at the Victorian Mathematics curriculum at the link below.

If you start them off with counting and sorting numbers, you’ll be helping them to understand the basics of maths.

Once your child is comfortable with the basics, you can begin teaching them more complicated concepts. Again, start with the basics and work your way up.

It’s important to remember that maths is a process – it doesn’t happen overnight. Over time, your child will develop a strong understanding of maths and be able to successfully solve problems on their own.

Use Games and Activities

Children are naturally inquisitive and enjoy playing games. They will also enjoy learning maths through play.

If you’re having trouble getting your child to learn maths, you can try playing a maths-based game or activity with them. This will help them to understand and enjoy the subject.

Set aside some time to play a maths game with your child. You’ll find that they will enjoy it and they’ll be more willing to learn.

Choose a game that your child enjoys playing and is likely to learn from. Here's a video on how to do it by simply using a deck of playing cards:

Don't forget to include a prize or reward for learning and you’ll surely have a winner!

Help Them in Solving Maths Problems

Another way to help your child better prepare for primary school maths is to have them practice solving maths problems.

This can be done by having them work on a variety of problems, from simple ones to more difficult ones.

By doing this, they will become better at problem-solving and handle mathematical challenges more easily when they are faced with them in primary school.

Additionally, it is important to provide your child with strong academic foundations in mathematics early on. This can be done by ensuring that they are regularly practicing their math skills and learning new concepts.

Encourage Them to Ask Questions

Encouraging your primary child to ask questions is an important part of maths learning.

When they are curious and want to know more, they are more likely to learn. This will also help them to become comfortable with asking questions and learn from others. 

Try to answer their questions as best you can, and explain the concepts to them in a way that they can understand. This can be done by explaining the concept in simple terms and by having them practice the concept by doing activities and exercises.

By doing this, you are helping them build essential foundational skills that will help them succeed in maths later on.

Practice, Practice, Practice

school kid making mathematics homework

Another important aspect of maths learning is practice.

Practice makes perfect, and your child needs to practice maths as much as possible to get the best results. This means setting aside time each day to do some basic maths drills, exercises, and problems.

It is also important to model good maths habits yourself so your child can see how it is done correctly. Your child will be more likely to enjoy maths if they can see that it’s something that they can do and learn.

By regularly practicing together, you are helping your child build a strong foundation for future mathematics success.

Parents' Frequently Asked Questions

Why is it important to teach my child maths from an early age?

mother and daughter learning math with fingers at home

Early math education is essential for kids in primary school. When they learn the math basics, they are better equipped to tackle other challenges in their academic career.

It can help them with their school work, develop good problem-solving skills, and understand how numbers and calculations work.

If you feel that your child is not doing well in maths, it is best to speak to a teacher or tutor about the situation. This will help them to improve quickly and become confident in their maths skills.

How can I start teaching my child maths?

There are a variety of ways to teach your child maths. You can start by teaching them basic facts such as the numbers 1-10 and how to add and subtract.

You can also introduce more complex concepts, such as fractions and decimals, by having them work on puzzles or games that involve these topics.

Final Thoughts

Helping your child to be adequately prepared for primary school maths can help them have a smoother transition into primary school.

The world is full of opportunities and the next generation of innovators will be the ones to grab them. But they need to be equipped to do this.

We can help you set up your child for success

If you need assistance in helping your child learn maths, iCode School can help you set up your child for success.

We offer affordable in-person or online tutoring services for prep and primary students. Our maths tutoring program follows the most up-to-date school curriculum, so you know everything learned will be relevant to your child.

You can book a free assessment, learning consultation, and 2 weeks of free maths and English tutoring today! ($248 value)

This offer is strictly limited to 5 people per week. Call us today on 5260 1816 to get started.

Post Written by

Megan Ward has over 16 years experience in working directly with children and young people experiencing challenging behaviour. having worked exclusively with families, Australian agencies and with support networks to provide advice around emotional disturbances, guidance and leadership, her the main goal is the positive behaviour alteration, family happiness and harmony. Megan's qualifications include a Bachelors Degree in Secondary Education and Fine Arts and a Masters in Special Education with a Major in Emotional and Behaviour Disturbances. Megan is the owner of a iCode School, specialising in NDIS tutoring, and support for children with learning disabilities.

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